Our values

Our service offer is based on a system of values specific to our history and beliefs. These are centered on trust and commitment.


Mutual trust is essential to the success of our joint projects.

Satellite Pléiades

Only trust allows to build a long-lasting relationship and to move forward. Respect of confidentiality is key to this relationship with our clients.

Transparency, sincerity and respect are also the keys of a trust-based collaboration. This allows us to take a critical look in a spirit of constructive partnership.

Trust cannot be built without a total independence.

We act independently of any interest that may influence its interventions.
Un arrondi de la Terre avec vue sur Hawaï depuis l'ISS


We share the objectives of our clients and we are fully involved in your projects.


Our enthusiasm is reflected in the high availability and responsiveness we display throughout the mission.

It is in this mind that we work with our partners.

SatConseil shares the code of ethics of Syntec Conseil, and adopts the fundamental values expressed in this code.

Professional integrity

In the exercise of our missions, we act with probity and integrity. We commit ourselves to loyal relationships with our clients, scrupulously respecting procedures, working with our clients in a spirit of collaboration and with a permanent concern for their interests.

When faced with unforeseen or exceptional situations, we will take appropriate action in accordance with the principles of this code of ethics. We have a duty to alert our client when we become aware of facts that may be contrary to ethics, regulations or laws; we then refrain from participating.


Faced with unforeseen or exceptional situations, we take the necessary measures by referring to all the principles of this code.

Integrity & independence

We are committed to carry out our missions in complete independence:

– we make intellectual honesty our rule of conduct in all our relations with our client,

– We commit ourselves to place the interest of our client before our own interests, commercial or of any other nature.

Protection of data confidentiality

In the context of our missions, we may have access to privileged non-public data and information, the nature of which requires an obligation of confidentiality and, often, business secrecy. We recognize the need to protect the confidentiality of engagements where appropriate, and to protect such data and information. We will use all available means to ensure such protection.

We will not use such privileged information for any purpose other than that for which it was provided to us.

Quality of services & professional skills

In the frame of our missions, we commit ourselves to provide all the necessary skills for their good execution and we guarantee it.


We are committed to providing all published or non-confidential information relating to our organization, our capital structure and our links with other activities.

In this context, we inform our clients of the links, whether capital, financial or commercial, maintained with partners, suppliers and other clients that could generate conflicts of interest in the execution of our missions.

When we present ourselves jointly with other companies (service providers, suppliers of equipment or marketable products), the nature of the relations maintained with these partners will be presented to you in all transparency.